
GNU/Linux: Error message 'error opening serial port', 'avrdude: ser_open(): can`t open device <port>', 'permission denied'

GNU/Linux: Error message 'error opening serial port', 'avrdude: ser_open(): can`t open device <port>', 'permission denied'

What to do if you can't get access to the serial port/USB under GNU/Linux?

Translations: DE, SV

If the access rights to device files (serial ports, USB) are not set appropriately under GNU/Linux, the user can neither program a microcontroller nor use the mining software 'AVR_Miner.py'.

If you want to program an Arduino UNO with the Arduino IDE for the first time, you will almost always run into the problem under GNU/Linux that the IDE does not have access to the serial port (i.e. USB) and thus cannot find the microcontroller. The solution: Correct group membership (and not release device files for all/everyone as often described!).

DUCO: Error message 'Server Timeout', (host='server.duinocoin.com', port=443)

DUCO: Error message 'Server Timeout', (host='server.duinocoin.com', port=443)

What to do if miners can't contact the Duinocoin server?

Translations: DE, SV

If the Duinocoin network is under (too) heavy load or if a comedian has started another DDoS attack, the miners will time out when trying to connect. There is a solution.

Sometimes the pool servers - for whatever reason - do not respond to requests from the miners. On the one hand, this is annoying because at that moment your own miners cannot generate a DUCO. On the other hand, it can also cost a lot of time when troubleshooting your own mining rig, because it is not always clear at first whether the error lies in the software for the rig or with the servers.